Ten Dental is proud to have been named as the best UK dental practice at the prestigious Private Dentistry Awards 2017, which recognise excellent private dentistry throughout the UK and Ireland.

Our Balham Practice was also named ‘Practice of the Year (London)’ and our Clapham practice won ‘Best Referral Practice’, making it a hat-trick of awards for Ten Dental on the night at the awards ceremony at the Park Plaza Hotel in Westminster (Friday 15th December).

Ten Dental had been nominated for a total of five awards. Our Balham practice was also in contention to win ‘Best Team (London)’ and ‘Best Patient Care (London)’ with our Clapham practice also up for the ‘Best Treatment of Nervous Patients’ award.

Ten Dental’s co-owner, Dr Martin Wanendeya said: “Winning three awards including Best Dental Practice in the UK, at the prestigious Private Dentistry Awards 2017 is a real accolade.

“We are extremely proud of such and achievement, it is all thanks to the hard working, dedicated and talented team we have at Ten Dental.”


Dental implants are an extremely popular option for people with missing teeth but there is a lot to consider before committing to such a life-changing treatment. Are dental implants right for me? Where can I get the best quality treatment? Is it an affordable option? These are all valid questions that every implant patient needs to ask and know the answers to before getting treatment. To help you find the answers you are looking for when considering dental implants, we’ve put together some of the most important things you should know before getting your implant treatment.

1. Am I a candidate for dental implants?

First things first, you need to know who can get dental implants and whether they are right for you. Dental implants are a tooth replacement option for people with missing teeth. Whether you have suffered tooth loss due to extraction, trauma, injury or for any other reason, if you have one or more teeth missing you are likely to be a candidate for dental implant treatment.

2. What are dental implants and how long do they last?

Dental implants are made from titanium and are securely fixed into the jawbone in place of a missing tooth following a small surgical procedure. A crown is placed on top of the implant to create the aesthetic appearance of a real tooth. Implants can be fitted anywhere in the mouth so can be used to replace front, back or multiple teeth. Once the implant is fitted, it can last a lifetime and patients can eat, chew and smile again as normal.

3. How long after losing a tooth should I enquire about treatment?

As soon as a tooth has been lost, the bone around it starts to diminish. Over time this can cause the jawbone underneath the missing tooth to recede, making you appear older than you actually are. The sooner dental implants are placed after losing a tooth, the higher the chance is of saving the bone. Dental implants are able to re-stimulate the jawbone and prevent recession from happening which is why it is best to proceed with dental implants as soon as a tooth has been lost. If you are considering implants years after losing a tooth, it may become more difficult to place an implant depending on the amount of bone that is left. Bone grafting is a common solution for those that do not have enough bone left for the implant to be placed into. Implant surgeons are able to use bone from elsewhere to build up the deficient area and once healed, it presents a strong enough base to place the implant in.

4. How do I find an implant surgeon that’s right for me?

If you are looking to go ahead with dental implant treatment, it is important to find a credible practice that is right for you. There are a number of things to look out for when doing your research, the most important being the experience and expertise of the implant surgeons. What qualifications do they have? Do they teach or mentor other dentists? How many years have they been placing implants? These are all things that are often listed on the website, along with awards they have won, patient reviews, testimonials and case studies. All of this information will help you get an idea of how credible they are and what experiences other patients have had too.

5. Is it expensive?

Dental implants vary quite significantly in cost depending on the number of implants you need. The typical cost of quality dental implants from a reputable practice can be anything from £2,000 to £30,000. Whatever the cost however, dental implants should be viewed as an investment rather than an expense. They can prevent you from having to spend large amounts of money on ongoing ‘dental maintenance’ caused by the impact of a missing tooth and they also significantly improve your quality of life. Most dental practices will offer financial plans to spread the cost of your dental implant payment and make the treatment much more affordable. This is an option explored by lots of patients considering dental implants if the cost of paying upfront is too much.

6. Do I need to take time off work?

Whilst you might need to make time for appointments before and after the treatment, the actual placing of a titanium implant takes just a few hours. If you are having multiple implants, the process may take longer, but with proper planning, it can be done in a day. Once the implant procedure is complete, you can return to work the very next day. After you have had time to heal following the initial procedure, you’ll be called back in a few months later to complete the final few steps and then for an aftercare appointment to review your healing progress. These appointments will ideally be fitted around your free time, causing minimal disruption to your busy work schedule.

7. Okay, I’ve done my research. What next?

Now that you’ve done your research, you know you’re a candidate and you have a credible practice in mind, it’s time to book a consultation. This allows you to actually meet your implant surgeon face to face and ask any questions you may have. It also gives you the opportunity to make sure they are the right fit for you. Remember, it is only an initial consultation so if the dynamic doesn’t feel right, you can always try another practice. It’s important for you to feel comfortable before starting treatment. Some practices offer a free consultation with a treatment coordinator before the paid consultation, which allows you to visit the practice and get a sense of what it’s like without paying a thing. At Ten Implant Centre, we encourage patients to take advantage of our free consultation so that you can make doubly sure we are the right fit for you.

If you are considering dental implants and would like to book a free consultation with one of our friendly treatment coordinators, please get in touch!

There are around 27 million people in the UK with a missing tooth*. This can have a significant impact on your quality of life and on your confidence. Certain foods become off limits, it can cause facial distortion and if you have a missing tooth in a visible place, it can also cause you to become embarrassed or self-conscious. People suffer from tooth loss for various reasons. Our blog looks at some of the most common reasons for missing teeth and some important tips on how to prevent it!

1. Injury or trauma

Ever knocked your tooth during an incident or injured it in sport? This is a common cause of tooth loss. Even if the trauma doesn’t knock the tooth clean out, it can sometimes cause damage to the root nerves, eventually leading to tooth loss if the pulp is unrepairable. In this case, the best thing to is to get to your dentist as quickly as possible and see if the damage can be repaired. If you play contact sport, always make sure you are wearing a fitted gumshield to protect the teeth. Custom-made mouthguards are much more effective.

2. Lifestyle

Lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking have been shown to significantly increase your chances of gum disease – a common cause of tooth loss. According to the Oral Health Foundation those of us that drink and smoke are three times more likely to suffer from severe gum disease** and are therefore at a much higher risk of losing a tooth. Smoking is particularly bad for our oral health as it slows down our ability to fight off gum disease as it weakens the body’s immune system. This makes it more difficult for the gum to heal and increases the likelihood of tooth loss.

3. Gum disease

Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss. It is caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth which eventually irritates the gums and causes them to become red and swollen. If gum disease isn’t treated, it is likely to lead to periodontitis which can cause the teeth to become loose and fall out. If your gums bleed when you brush, this can often be a sign of gum disease and you should book an appointment with your dentist for further advice.

4. Bruxism

Bruxism (or tooth grinding) puts extreme pressure on your teeth and can cause them to wear away, crack or break. In some cases, bruxism can cause the teeth to become loose, sometimes leading to tooth loss. Bruxism can be difficult to self-diagnose as you often do it unknowingly in your sleep. Trained dental professionals can often tell if the teeth are being worn down due to bruxism, so it is important to see your dentist for a professional opinion.

5. Poor diet

We all know that a poor diet with high sugar foods is a recipe for disaster when it comes to our teeth but a low calcium diet can also impact our oral health. Calcium is known for keeping the bones strong, making it a highly important nutrient for our teeth. Foods such as low-fat dairy products, almonds and certain vegetables like spinach and kale are a great source of calcium for our teeth. Not having enough of these in your diet could be having a negative impact on your teeth.

6. Avoiding your dentist

Even if your oral hygiene routine is first-class, you still need regular visits with your dentist. A dentist will be able to foresee any issues with your teeth and rectify them before they become a bigger problem. They can also perform a much deeper clean on your teeth that just isn’t possible at home. Those that avoid the dentist are much more likely to encounter issues with their teeth that could eventually result in tooth loss.

7. Misaligned teeth

If you have gaps in your teeth or overcrowding, it could be affecting your oral health. Plaque is more likely to build up in areas of the mouth that are overcrowded and gaps tend to put more pressure on surrounding teeth. Most people have braces throughout their teenage years to help correct this, however, sometimes people miss out on treatment or their teeth shift back out of place as they get older. Without resolving misaligned teeth, it could lead to issues with decay and perhaps even tooth loss. That is why adult orthodontics could be your best solution.

8. Diabetes

Diabetes is known to compromise the body’s immunity and ability to fight infections. This makes it much harder for diabetic people to fight against gum disease and periodontitis, increasing their susceptibility to tooth loss. A diabetic’s increased risk of tooth loss makes it that much more important for them to maintain a strict oral hygiene routine and regular appointments with their dentist. This can reduce the likelihood of gum disease occurring in the first place and allow dentists to monitor them more closely.


If you have suffered from tooth loss, you don’t have to tolerate living with a missing tooth. Dental implants are the closest thing you can get to real teeth and are a fully permanent solution. Fitted securely into the jawbone, they act and feel just like your real teeth – you won’t even realise they are a replacement!

For more information on dental implants, get in touch with Ten Implant Centre.


*There are around 27 million people in the UK with a missing tooth

** Those of us that drink and smoke are three times more likely to suffer from severe gum disease


It is important for all missing teeth to be replaced, however, teeth missing from the front of the mouth tend to take priority for most people as the gaps are more visible. Noticeable gaps can significantly impact a person’s self-confidence, to the point where they are embarrassed to smile in photos, talk openly in conversation or even attend social occasions.

Why get front tooth implants?

The most common reasons people get front tooth implants is when a tooth has been knocked out during sport or damaged during a trauma, causing it to rot away. Other people may have lost their front teeth because of a disease or infection or in some cases, the teeth just never properly develop. Whatever the reason, if you have a front tooth missing it is highly important to replace it. Gaps can lead to serious self-confidence issues, not only because of their unsightly appearance but also because they can inhibit your ability to bite into and tear foods. Canines are some of the strongest teeth in the mouth and once these have been lost or removed, it can be very difficult to eat certain foods. Missing front teeth can also cause further problems with your oral health and even cause the jawbone above or below the gap to recede, causing you to look much older than you are.

Dental implants are the closest thing you can get to real teeth. They look, act and feel just like the rest of your teeth and can last a lifetime if looked after properly. The implant itself is made up of a titanium screw which is surgically placed into the jawbone to prevent the bone from receding. An abutment is then placed on top and a carefully designed crown added to give the aesthetically accurate appearance of a real tooth.

Dental implants for front teeth are particularly effective as they are completely secure, allowing you to bite down on your food without worrying that your replacement will come loose or fall out. The implant is also specially designed from a mould of your mouth so that it matches the rest of your teeth and restores your smile without anyone ever knowing you are wearing an implant.

Case study for front tooth implants

When Patricia came to Ten Implant Centre, she had multiple missing front teeth that were causing her to feel uncomfortable with her appearance. After assessing her case, we treated her with a combination of dental implants, grafting and crowns. In Pat’s words, it “changed her life”. Here are the before and after results of her implant treatment.

If you would like to know more about cosmetic implant dentistry, get in touch with Ten Implant Centre and we’ll be happy to discuss your case or answer any questions.

We were very proud to have been finalists at the recent Aesthetic Dentistry Awards 2017 at the Landmark Hotel in Marlebone, London.

The Aesthetic Dentistry Awards recognises excellent standards in aesthetic dentistry across the UK and Ireland. A panel of highly respected judges examine the very best examples of work anonymously.

To be considered as the best in the country across so many categories in dental implants is a fantastic achievement for all our staff who work tirelessly to deliver such an excellent standard of treatment for our patients.

Ten Implant Centre owner – Dr Martin Wanendeya, is one of the UK’s leading dental implant experts. He tutors and trains other dentists at the Royal College of Surgeons on all aspects of dental implantology.

“Personally, and collectively it is a great honour to be considered among the best in the UK and Ireland,” said Dr Wanendeya.

“Our staff work exceptionally hard to consistently deliver excellence for our patients and they thoroughly deserve this recognition.”